1. I like your thoughts concerning socially responsible investing.

    I have been following SRI for about forty years and believe that when we invest in a company, or many companies in the case of a mutual fund, we share in the responsibility for the activities of those companies as well as participate in the outcomes of their corporate activities. So, anyone valuing their personal or spiritual growth has to take these things into account when investing.

    Also, if everyone invests according to their personal values, then, since so many of our core values are alike — and are supportive of higher ideals — that in the long run, only companies employing these higher values will truly prosper. And there is real evidence of this now.

    I advocate, teach, and write on the subject of personal values based investing — and have a popular website that has unique information which might interest you. It includes the latest global socially responsible investing news and research. My site is at http://investingforthesoul.com

    Best wishes, Ron Robins

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